I haven’t posted in quite awhile and I’ve never posted a product for the sake of posting a product until now. I’d like to state that I am not being compensated in any way by Ecks Multirotor and that this is NOT a paid advertisement. I’m posting this because the new EXO 440 Recon frame caught my attention and I think it’s definitely worth a look. Cameron from Ecks is a great guy and he does some interesting and original work in the area of frame design so I always check out his Facebook Page to see what it is he’s up to at the moment.
In the past Cameron was kind enough to sell me a prototype 2-axis gimbal for my Sony NEX5R. I bothered him about it because he was the only one on the market making a gimbal out of 2 solid pieces of billet aluminum. It is a piece of artwork. That said, his work is top notch and I urge you to check out his website and vimeo page when you get a chance and contact Cameron if you have any questions about this extremely well designed frame.
Now lets get to the Multirotor at hand – the EXO440 Recon Class Quadcopter. Specifications are as follows:
440mm Lightweight Carbon Fiber Frame
DJI E300 Propulsion System with self-tightening props
Landing Gear
Antennae Holders
Foam protective bottom
Battery Straps
Flight time – up to 23 minutes
- Ecks 440mm quadcopter drone, perfect for fpv
- Ecks 440mm quadcopter drone, perfect for fpv
- Ecks 440mm quadcopter drone, perfect for fpv
- Ecks 440mm quadcopter drone, perfect for fpv
- Ecks 440mm quadcopter drone, perfect for fpv
- Ecks 440mm quadcopter drone, perfect for fpv